Over the years, we have been able to witness commencement speeches from some of the world’s most successful business minds. We have heard some memorable quotes that have inspired young graduates all over the United States. Commencement speeches are great to listen to because while the speaker is directing his or her speech to the college seniors, there is a ton of information that can be taken away from any listener.
The most important thing about any commencement speech is the little life lessons that the speaker drops throughout their speech. It usually centers around a key topic or metaphor that the commencement speaker uses as the keystone for the point they are trying to make. We have been graced with these wise words of wisdom from many successful billionaires over the years. Here are the 10 best pieces of advice billionaires have given during commencement speeches.
Don’t waste time living some else’s life.
Steve Jobs, founder and CEO of Apple, spoke at Stanford University in 2005. In Jobs’ speech, he stressed to graduates that time is limited and to not waste it by living someone else’s life. Before he walked away, he reminded them to have the courage to follow their heart and intuition and that everything else comes secondary because they already know what you want to become.
Build a story you would be proud to look back on

Jeff Bezos, American technology entrepreneur and CEO of Amazon.com, spoke at Princeton University in 2010. He used the analogy of being 80-years-old, quietly narrating the most personal version of your life’s story. The biggest piece of advice he gave was to build a great story for yourself, one that you would be proud to look back on because only you can make your choices.