Tag: Lists
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11 famous garage startups that now rule the world
Million and billion dollar companies had to start somewhere and in the technology field that “somewhere” is often an unsuspecting garage. But it’s not just tech companies like Hewlett Packard and Apple that started in garages. Toy companies, motorcycle businesses, a nationally recognized candle company, and other popular companies also come from humble beginnings. While Hewlett Packard […]
10 Methods of Time Management At Work
Time management is the one thing that most people struggle with the most in their work lives. It stems from years of bad habits, the inability to just say no when it’s needed, and from overloading your plate on a day to day basis. In the article below, you will read about ten different approaches […]
10 Businesses That Dominate The Landfill
There are some things that consumers buy knowing that it will outlive its usefulness and end up in the garbage, but there are some things that people buy just to throw away. In America, there are about 5 pounds of waste generated per person per day, mounting up to 230 million tons in a year. […]
Ten Ways AI Drives the Future of Big Business
Artificial intelligence at its core is intelligence demonstrated by machines. AI first surfaced as an academic discipline in 1956 and has made leaps and bounds since then. The AI that we’re most exposed to today is what’s considered narrow AI. Narrow AI is designed to perform a narrow task such as only driving a car […]
Dirty Money: 10 Ways That Landscaping Companies Stay In the Black
Landscaping is an incredibly profitable business, but most people seem to think of it as seasonal. However, there is a lot less seasonality to this business than you would think. There are plenty of things that landscaping companies do in the off-season (and throughout the year!) that make them as profitable as they are. You […]
10 Popular P2P Payment Services
The world moves to a more and more cashless state every single day, and for many reasons, that is more secure. However, there are a few things that can be more difficult when we are operating without any cash. How do you pay someone back when they spot you for lunch because your wallet was […]
10 Ways Multiplayer Gaming Economies Reflect Real World Economy
Massive, multiplayer online games have been around for well over a decade but they’ve only become more mainstream in the past few years. Gaming is something that used to be looked down on by others that didn’t understand the hobby. Times have changed. In MMORPGs, there is an economy. Usually, there is some kind of […]
10 Things You Didn’t Know About The Cannabis Industry
People have been fighting for legalization ever since the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937, and there has finally been some success on that front. The recent boom in the cannabis industry has led some people down new roads, but they aren’t trekking any new paths. People have been using, trading, and selling cannabis since at […]
Successful Nonprofits Started/Run By Celebrities
A nonprofit organization is a tax-exempt public charity that exists to provide public benefit where there’s a demonstrated need; the most prevalent type of nonprofit is one with a goal of advancing human rights and services and accounts for over 35% of all such organizations. In second place is education, with just over 17% of […]
10 Ways That Going Green Can Cost The Bottom Line
Going green has gone mainstream. It’s true that it can improve the overall efficiency of a business; it’s great for the environment, and it is cost-effective in the long term. But, it can hurt you before it even begins to help. A small business owner had this to say about the matter: “I think from […]
Top 10 Most Expensive Natural Disasters
Natural disasters are extremely unpredictable, and they’re happening with increasing frequency. Many factors come together to drive up the cost of a natural disaster. Because of property damage, environmental damage, casualties, and a variety of other hidden expenses, the price tags on these occurrences tend to grow quickly. Below, you can read about the ten […]