Category: Entrepreneurship
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How to Dissolve an LLC: Five Simple Steps
When it’s time to close the doors on your business — permanently — you need to do it the right way. That means more than ending your vending and utility contracts, saying farewell to your employees, and locking up one final time. You have to officially close your business in the eyes of the secretary […]
Best Copiers for Small Businesses
Small businesses run on lean budgets, and even leaner staffing: everything and everyone plays an important role, contributing in their own way to the success or failure of the enterprise. In small businesses, no dollar is spent without careful consideration. You wouldn’t hire someone who can’t handle the workload, or who can’t multitask at the […]
Content Marketing Guide for Small Businesses
Content marketing quickly went from being seen as the future of advertising to the standard of advertising over the past few years but it isn’t a new concept at all.
Everyday Financial Calculators
It’s never too early to learn how to manage money. Keeping track of where you spend your money and how much you earn teaches you to save up and set goals. Learning to budget is an important skill to have. When you spend more than you earn, then you have to borrow from other people. […]
Businesses You Can Start With $1,000 or Less
Thinking about starting a small business? This is one of the smartest decisions you can make. After all, starting a business is a great way to help people, make a few extra bucks, and pursue your dreams—all at the same time. If you’re looking for business ideas to help you start the company of your […]
The Best Intranet for Small Business
The watercooler and the conference room are well-known landmarks in the geography of a workspace. One is a place for socializing—the glue that sticks a team together—and the other, ground zero for planning and executing your business goals. An intranet platform is equally important for the modern small business, functioning a bit like a conference […]
The 5 Best Databases for Small Business Owners
Data and information are the currency of modern business. Businesses large and small need a reliable database to help keep things organized and properly functioning. This means more than just reliable hardware. To enjoy the full benefit of a database, it takes the best database platform — that’s whether a business manages their database in-house, […]
Best Embroidery Machine for Small Business
With the best embroidery machine on the market, you could start a small business of your own or grow your company into something even more rewarding. There’s money to be made in the embroidery business, and getting started is a lot easier than you might think. You don’t have to learn the painstaking process of […]
Best Books for Anyone Starting a Business
When it comes to starting a business, there’s a lot to know. The best book for starting a business can help you get started. But no one business book covers it all. From writing your business plan, to budgeting, managing staff, or changing your habits for success, there’s a business book out there for you. […]
The 10 Best Degrees for Small-Business Owners
The number one pick just might surprise you Although some disagree whether a modern entrepreneur needs a college degree at all, the fact of the matter is the right undergraduate student degree can set a small-business owner on a path to success. But which college degree? That question likely brings to mind options like business […]
The Business of Becoming a Writer
Becoming a published author can be a very romanticized career but, in reality, it takes serious time and dedication, from beginning to end, in order to navigate the business of writing. Once a work is written, the job is still far from done. There are several things that need to happen, including finding and working […]