Category: Education
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Student Basic Financial Needs Must Be Met
It’s one thing to think of going to college as bettering one’s self, but it is a whole other notion to think that there are those out there not even having their student basic needs met. Not to despair – there are many resources withing reach that we just need to do a better job […]
The Importance of Microlearning
Many organizations may talk a good game about their culture and opportunities to advance, but the numbers don’t lie. A recent study shows that 59% of employees receive no workplace training and end up being entirely self-taught. It’s time to change the course for the better. Learn more about why microlearning is the future of […]
The 10 Best Degrees for Small-Business Owners
The number one pick just might surprise you Although some disagree whether a modern entrepreneur needs a college degree at all, the fact of the matter is the right undergraduate student degree can set a small-business owner on a path to success. But which college degree? That question likely brings to mind options like business […]
A Complete Guide to Cash Back Credit Card Rewards for Small Businesses
Credit can be one of your most steadfast allies, or a lifelong thorn in the side. Savvily utilizing credit can dramatically change your life, the longevity and opportunities presented to your business, and more. Small businesses in particular deal with cash flow issues. Choosing the right card (and using it well) can help your small […]
The 20 Largest College Endowments, Revealed
College endowments are big business, but did you know how much they have grown since the 90s?
What Will the Future of School Look Like?
Given the state of the world’s uncertainty, pandemic variants, mask mandates, and school closings, the pandemic has forced us to take a hard look at the state of education. Perhaps now is an excellent time to reevaluate how school can be reimagined as a community, more at the pace of the individual student, and a […]
Weight Loss for the Long Term
All too often, many people treat the symptoms of weight loss with fad diets and ignore the root causes. Furthermore, few medical professionals have enough training on the subject and hesitate on providing prescriptions that could do a world of good. Learn more about treating weight loss as a lifestyle for the long term in […]
Best Student Credit Cards
Students often leave college ill-equipped to manage their finances responsibly and effectively. They aren’t taught how compounding interest works for them, that a 10% interest rate is a terrible deal, or why their credit score shouldn’t be ignored. If only they had one of the best student credit cards, they could be light-years ahead of […]
Business, Finance, and Economics for Kids
Learning how to handle money is one of the most important skills you need to learn, and it’s a great way to get an introduction to business and economics as well. Learning about finance and budgeting can help you to have more financial freedom when you’re older. You can play games and do activities by […]
Personal Finance Glossary
Personal finance is an important thing to understand, but too many people learn about it as they go along and through trial and error. It can be tricky to try to decipher some of the words and phrases commonly used when talking about finances, but by taking the time to learn more about financial terms, […]
The Comprehensive List of Coronavirus Resources (300+)
Here from the “wrong side of the curve” it’s starting to look like the world’s inaugural Coronavirus season may last for a number of months. Coronavirus has already influenced many, many aspects of our lives and has introduced the notion that we’re experiencing a once-in a lifetime scale event. Nearly everyone on the planet is […]